firstly nak ucap selamat tahun baru 2009. buat semua ahlil politik yang sudah kalah season lepas jangan la asyik kelahi sana sini,tak manis orang tengok ape kate mereka nanti,bawak bertenang bukan selamanya dapat rase baham duit orang sesekali bagi la chance orang lain untuk rase peluang keemasan itu..nti 17 januari mungkin minyak akan turun lagi hanya penduduk kuala terengganu boleh membuat penurunan,voice of people u got the power.
biarpun harga minyak semakin murah kacip2 dengan dulu punya price,tapi harga sawi,minyak masak barangan runcit,tetap di tangga pertama mahal..fenomena ini gua namakan "menangguk harga di ekonomi yang keruh" waktu perdana kat televisyen gua tgk petani-petani bukan main lagi suffer. sampai tahap anak berenti sekolah,ini bukan negara maju. gua masih menghitung keberkesanan pakej rangsangan ekonomi.
ok stop banyak sangat bahaya,life gua mmg eksotik ngam dengan tubuh gua yang solid. ibarat melihat kesempurnaan bile berdepan dengan cermin setinggi 6 kaki dan 3 kaki lebar. setakat perkataan hot sudah sinonim la selama gua menghilang pergi mencari ketenangan hidup macam-macam gua tempuh pahit dan manis rase kelat kopi dan sambal dan termasuk lepak bawah signboard jambatan timbang,sesi berkaraoke sampai suara emas gua hilang,seminggu ckp gune bahase isyarat ok.
selepas mendapat ketenangan hidup,jauh dari semua amoi,minachi dan makwe yg sibuk melirik pada susuk tubuh gua bile berjalan dimane-mane,memang membuatkan gua rase bebas dari ancaman mahupun gangguan telefon,cubaan mengambil kesempatan di LRT,dan macam2 lagi sehingga gua rasekan gua baru dilahirkan.
ini budak memang suke meliar lagi2 karaoke memang kemain suke lagi
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
how are you today pals?
Posted by apek terror at 1/06/2009 10:37:00 AM
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lama lu menghilang pek..
The truth is that Umno has ruled supreme for the last 50 years. It always got its way because the dominant ethnic majority of the country always supported its policies.
The state of the nation is corrupt, discriminatory, inefficient, racist, unjust, and backward. If Malaysia stinks then it is because Umno stinks.
If the "morals of the country" stinks, then it is because the morals of Umno politicians stinks.
I won't even discuss the morality of explosives and murder of foreign nationals as most people seem to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong in this instance.
Instead, I shall talk about Umno corruption and Umno racism as the former will occasion the disastrous downfall of this nation, and the latter will be the downfall of the malays.
Umno teaches that it is just to discriminate against all non-malays and non-Muslims: business, colleges universities, education opportunities, government contracts, jobs, schools, taxes, and even finding a cemetery to bury the dead.
Umno teaches that it is right to discriminate on the basis of a person culture, language, race or religious belief.
In front of non-malays, it speaks of tolerance and unity in diversity, and in front of malays, it speaks of the race and religious, cultural and language supremacy, glorification of ethnic and power subjugation.
Bung Mokhtar leadership role as characterised by a yobbish machismo, medieval attitudes, obscene gestures towards minorities and women, and strutting bigotry within Umno is not only not an accident of chance, but an exemplary example of Umno appeal to the baser instincts and darker fantasies of its ethnic constituency.
To the vernacular schools it gives a pittance for support, and to malay language schools, there is no need to be diplomatic and call them "national language" schools, it gives 100% support.
As for English medium schools, the type that made Malaysia education the best in South East Asia, and our school leavers the most sought after anywhere in the civilised world, they were made extinct, courtesy of Umno cultural fantasies and language supremacist.
So we are left with unemployable graduates with deplorable job skills and prospects.
Umno language supremacist policies caused the extinction of the best high quality education that Malaysia and the malays would ever know.
Umno perversion of the very idea of meritocracy in favour of racist discrimination has ensured the lack of meritocractic competition for all Malaysians.
Later or sooner, the malays will realise that denying meritocracy to non-malays guarantees that there can be no meritocracy for malays even within their own community.
Umno policies caused a brain drain to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and the US.
The fact that there is no entitlement complex nor inferiority complex or notable NEP dependence amongst the non-malays is no accident.
If the non-malays were the dominant ethnic majority, and they had an Umno-like racist party to lead them with promises of ethnic privileges, ethnic supremacy and racial discrimination, then I believe they would have lost their self-confidence, self-respect, and self-belief too.
Farish Noor once said "Umno ternak melayu untuk disembelih".
I agree, and if the dominant ethnic majority fails to see past Umno false gods of ethnic aggrandizement and seductive promises of ethnic supremacy, then we are all finished.
selamat kembali ke sekolah weyh...!!!
tudia aiiihhh panjang pat jela komen2 lu...lama menghilang dari HOT dah jadi COOL ka??
lu hilang mana pek??
rindu nie...
yeah, harga minyak dah turun skit tapi barangan yg lain maintain.
welkam 2 da jungle...!!!
gua setuju paragraf ke dua. gua pegi kedai naik kete memang murah. minyak sudah turun. masalah sekarang maggi pun dah cekik darah. gua nak makan apa!
apa macam ket?
tahun 2009 mesti banyak planning kan?
susah jadi org bersuara lunak gemersik bak buluh perindu ni.
Pek...ko bertapa kat mane selama nie??? kat batu caves kah...sbb aku mcm konpius ade watak Minachi dlm entry ko nih...hohoho
mr blind- gua pegi haji la...
karka- sekolah is fuck...
adex-gua pegi mencari ttp hot..still lagi steady..
billy- hah itu la demokrasi alaf baru..
zairi- ya welkam george haha..
sheerna- hehe...reliti tu...
pecah kepala- hah meggi semangkuk rm5 dh wei...
hafis- ade macam2 plan nk itu n ini..
rambo- maksud lu gua ker?
umie- sungai ganga la puas hati x?
ah, gile lame lu tinggal kan dunia penulisan nih.
lu saje tanak kasi gua gelak sorang2 kat opis kan?
ok ciki lepas nie gua tak tinggal lame2 lagi ok
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